
XPorT aims to develop optimal media from the perspective of the user using a variety of cells.


XPorT, the main core technology of Xcell Therapeutics, is aimed at developing optimal media from the perspective of users using various cells. Currently, we are developing customized media for various cells by incorporating XPorT technology, and we are building a diverse pipeline by expanding its application. Starting with the launch of serum-free medium for mesenchymal stem cells, we have succeeded in developing and launching chemically defined medium with animal origin free.
With the know-how accumulated during these R&D processes and XPorT technology, we have completed the development of medium for DPCs, medium for keratinocytes, and medium for exosomes, and launched the products.

Furthermore, we are developing immune cell (T/NK cell) media that are incorporated into advanced biopharmaceuticals, and are accelerating the development of our products for markets based on various types of cells, such as cultured meat (food tech), artificial blood, and functional cosmetics ingredients.

Various Cells
Optimal Cell Culture Media
Superior CellsOptimized Solution
  • Many
    R&D Discovery
  • 1,000 +
    Translational Studies
  • < 15
    Approved Products